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“One degree does not guarantee that the person learned the skills that describe his title. The ability of programming is not a lamp of the sun, being exposed to it does not mean that it has absorbed the light.”
There are a lot of articles on the shortage of skilled workers in the technology part, and the difficulty experienced by companies in finding qualified software developers.
There is nothing wrong with a software developer who gained their knowledge empirically or is developing autonomously here and there, especially when it comes with the opportunity to learn useful skills. However, it is still a taboo for many companies to consider candidates who did not spend at least four years in a classroom.
Strangely common explanation for demanding a college degree is that this group of people demonstrates “commitment,” that kind of commitment that manifests itself in starting and ending something. That may be true, or perhaps not if one considers that perhaps that sense of commitment is more linked to an economic commitment acquired with an institution by paying a college tuition. This leads us to think that if someone does not have enough financial resources (not intellectuals) to pay for a school, he is inevitably condemned to be excluded from the working world or at least to be considered in many future job positions.
Maybe, but it would be an unfortunate destination for countless people and companies, which is why we do not approve of this type of thinking. Becoming a programmer or a professional from any branch should not depend on attending an institute, becoming a programmer depends on each person, the passion and determination he feels towards the development of certain skills that may actually be applicable in the real world. Skills such as problem solving, recursion, adaptability, in other words, learning to “think outside the box”, things that in many cases are not learned in a classroom, nor does it depend on the value of a tuition.
Now, we do not mean that all the university students who have worked hard for years, burning to the last tab between books and boards, do not deserve recognition for the dedication and commitment placed during their studies, rather, we want to emphasize that what is really important and That can differentiate one successful person from another can not be learned by reading a book or submitting an exam, but rather by a host of real interactions and staging that may be found beyond a classroom, depending on various factors Which are not written on a resume.
For many sectors, such as law and medicine, having a university degree is a prerequisite, but there are many other options. The University is not for everyone, nor is it the only option. That’s not to say that there are no advantages in going to college, there are many things that “justify spending” for example, can be seen as an investment in your future since college graduates can potentially earn more in your life, The non-graduates. Additionally, it will also open people who feel they need a degree just to stay current and not be left behind. There is a wave of new programmers coming from other professions, where after experiencing or being surrounded by other activities have found a greater affinity or skill in the area of programming complemented with their previous studies.
For many, college is more than a degree. It is the opportunity to learn to live by yourself, develop as a person and have the opportunity to learn more about a topic that you enjoy and have a lot of fun. Instead of knowing what you want to do before going to college, college shapes you, gives you some life experience, and shapes your opinion on many aspects of life.
At the end of everything, what is certain is that the world of programming is booming and is projected as one of the best and most necessary skills for the future. “All you need is code” (“all you need is to program”). That is the slogan that the European Union has chosen for, a new platform whose mission is to promote and get people encouraged to learn to program. In this project, which is part of the European Coding Initiative, have the help of several leading technology companies in their sectors, such as Microsoft, Facebook, Rovio or SAP.
So if you’re planning to learn to program – good luck! Whatever the form, just do your best, I have even more. The world, as they say, is your oyster and you are the pearl.