Why do Good Employees Give up their Jobs?

Image Employees Blog Training 3Metas

Image Employees Blog Training 3Metas

Employees give up their work for many reasons. Paternity / maternity issues (in other words, wanting to spend the first years of life with their children), flexible hours (being able to work from anywhere without a completely “fixed” schedule), economic problems (salary and / or benefits offered Are enough in relation to the needs), bad work environment (bosses or work groups stressful and demotivating), stagnation (lack of opportunities for growth and / or development and application of skills), these and many more reason are undoubtedly one Of the greatest headaches by employers, considering the increased difficulty in getting “good” employees and the cost / detriment of turnover within a company.

Many of these reasons are difficult to address by an employer because they involve life events in the employee’s world outside of work, however, most of the reasons why employees leave their job are under the employer’s control. Knowing this, the next question should be, what is the solution?

The first step in answering this question is to keep in touch with them, how they feel, what they think and what they expect. It is important at this point to clarify that the answers to these questions vary constantly throughout the working life of the employees (obviously, we are talking about changing people, susceptible to a number of external factors), and who often have neither Even a clear answer, in other words, sometimes the employees themselves do not know what they want or what their expectations are in the medium term within the company.

Here comes the real challenge for organizations, as it is not only knowing how to do what to do to keep “interested” employees within their functions. We then go on to say that there is no magic recipe for retaining employees. Each person is a different world, complex and full of particularities, which makes it practically impossible to standardize a solution. However, there are several things that can help minimize this problem or at least not take it by surprise:

• Communication: it is the pillar of every business (and speaking of employers and employees we could say that this is a very important business relationship). Saying things as they are and in a timely manner, without creating false expectations, but above all eliminating speculation, is a very effective practice to maintain labor relations. Feedback between employees and bosses is one of the best ways to create communication channels for a stable “relationship”. Do not be afraid to recognize the talents of your employees, colleagues or bosses, nor to mention things that could be made better (here it is important to clarify that good communication should always be based on respect and the proper form, moment and place To express the different opinions).

• Motivation: help each person find their way to success. This seems rather complicated, but in reality it is not. Set goals that push employees out of the comfort zone, challenge their own minds, to achieve what might at first seem inconceivable, to train, to train, to stimulate creativity. Our motto has always been: “Not all people are good for everything, but every person is good for something”, so you just have to help each person recognize what maybe hidden talent he has. There is nothing worse than a boring employee with what he does, at that point none of the other factors (salary, benefits, flexibility, etc.) is going to achieve anything beyond a short-term frustration with the company and all around.
If you want to keep the best employees, you need to think carefully about how they are treated. Talented employees have a lot of options, so the only way they stay is if they want to.